I would like to acknowledge timely support from the Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts
for funding initial research connected with this publication. I also especially thank the Social Sciences and
Humanities Research Council of Canada for financial assistance in the form of two separate grants. Subsequently,
I had the privilege of benefiting from seven years as a Queen's Research Chair. Without these marks of welcome
encouragement this project would not have been able to progress. The various grants made available funds for
equipment, travel, and numerous research assistants at Queen's University, who I would like to single out as follows:
Odilia Bonebakker; Anne Marie Carroll; Franziska Gottwald; Jillian Harrold; Michael Lee; Janina Knight (who worked
especially hard on the Glossary); Amanda Morhart; Heather Montague; Ana Pozzi-Harris; Michael Sone; Nicola
Spasoff; Jane van Duren.
At an important, formative stage, the Canadian Centre for Architecture in Montreal provided my project with
unlimited access to its superb resources. I wish particularly to acknowledge the enthusiasm of the CCA's founding
director, Phyllis Lambert, and her Associate Curator Gwendolyn Owens. At the inception of the project I also
received excellent advice from Jennifer Trant MA, at the time manager of her own consulting firm, Art Information
Management. Passages quoted in the audio version have been spoken by Julia Busser du Prey and were recorded
by Dave Smith at Queen's university — I owe them both a great debt of gratitude. In addition Julia accompanied me
on almost all my research trips in conjunction with ACT, sustaining me and it throughout by her loving presence,
editorial skills, sharp eye and quick wit. Kate Yüksel has provided an elegant graphic design which compliments text
and images. All photographs, unless otherwise noted, are by myself or from my collection. Mine were shot exclusively
on Kodachrome 25 film using my trusty Voigtländer, Nikkorex, and Nikon cameras, and more recently on my Olympus
digital camera. Photographers, too numerous to mention here individually, have supplied me with images and are
acknowledged in each relevant caption. I extend them my warmest thanks. But the most important debts of all
are to Luc Wauters and to Blair Martin, the software engineer who foresaw the potentialities of this project. Blair
unswervingly maintained his belief in it throughout the initial years in which we planned and worked together. Luc
succeeded Blair and has carried on his broad and willing shoulders the brunt of putting ACT on line. He also designed
many novel features which I believe help to make ACT more informative and easy to use.